Master Checklist
All the Steps
Phase One
- Step 1: A Foundation for Action, making the thing in your head real
- Defining your purpose: the nitty gritty of ikigai
- Passion is purpose applied
- Your north star: what it looks like for you and how it’s different from anybody else’s
- The train you are on will gladly drive you off a cliff: what must change for you to be ready to die?
- Defining why: rewrite your epitaph
- Taking time more seriously: every remaining year, day, hour and minute counts…
- Choosing by un-choosing: redefining “quit”
- Card games: the yes/no filter of life
- Clarify the vision in words: how it will feel
- Clarify the vision in images that fit those feelings
- Clarify the vision in a detailed illustration of one day in the future to make those feelings real
- Big Rock Binders: Making the choices real
- Document today vs. the vision: who, what, where, why, when, and how
- Gap assessment: top changes needed to close the gap
- Action plan: ‘big hits’ to close the gap
- SWOT analsysis
- Testing theories: Real conversations to experiment and discover any points of resistance, roadblocks, challenges, or saboteurs.
- Commit to the long game by accepting you will need to fortify your foundation to be ready for big change. Get fit by hiring a coach or therapist, gathering trusted friends to serve as a board of advisors, and getting physically strong by scheduling doctor appointments, gathering data on your health, hormones, metabolic health and more. Then optimize your daily rhythms, your scheduling habits, your financial habits, your health habits, your mindset habits, and more. See phase two…
Phase Two
- KindEdge360 – Everything matters
- Building up your muscle for change
- Running experiments
- Conscious curation: make room for change by purging old, experimenting with new
- Consciously curating your daily arc, rhythms and rituals
- Consciously curating mindsets
- Consciously curating impacts to health and body
- Consciously curating influences on soul
- Consciously curating people
- Consciously curating media and content
- Consciously curating environments and objects
- Crowding out noise by crowding in more you
- Your Board of Directors
- Glad libbing
- Luck journaling
- Rescuing your frozen intuition
Phase Three
- Seek tools and processes that put you in flow
- Testing tools
- Playing with processes
- Wrangling relationship with budgets and debt
- Building in breaks: sustainability
- Sustain effort with rewards and carrots
- Commit bigger than the temptation to quit: death ground
- Hemingway days: permission to waive the white flag
- Unstuck with object kinetics
- Daisy chaining
- Time tyrant
- Time tethering
- Humans need totems to connect real life to an imagined future
- Anti-fragilism
- Black box it
- C is for Change; D is for Disappoint
- Contract to expand
- Crawl, walk, run
- Dance with the frog
- Digging in a new groove, becoming un-hook-able
- Dragons help you write your hero’s tale
- Duty addicts and people pleasers: fearful yet manipulative self-abandoners. (Antidote is being out about choices and letting others own their reactions to you simply doing you)
- Expect it
- Experimentos
- Flow: massaging the cingulate cortex when trauma, ptsd and stressors leave it bruised
- Health: It’s worth it to die trying
- Infinite self-kaizen
- The Kind Reframe
- Metrics form the mirror that matters
- No good girls allowed: keep out
- Recovery is a superpower
- Where resistance hides
- Reverse boundaries
- Sacred trades
- Self compassion calls for action
- Self-permission
- The magic of one
- The magic of slow
- Fear of truth blocks the path to real safety; joy is in control over personal choice; this only happens when fear of truth is resolved

A Life Gang Aft Agley – Video Guide for Self-compassion Hacks in Hard Times
When Life's Gang Aft Agley... Hi folks - I'm sharing a useful self-compassion exercise that can help us in tough times. This video is casual and ad hoc as I've just arrived at my evacuation hotel after prepping my flooded home for the next hurricane. I now need to run...

Black Box It
DRAFT To help me continue to produce these guides, please sign-up for the mailing list, share this with others, and donate to buy me an hour or a day to build the next bit. is a collection of bite-sized action steps that help people make...

Build Your Board of Directors
DRAFT To help me continue to produce these guides, please sign-up for the mailing list, share this with others, and donate to buy me an hour or a day to build the next bit. is a collection of bite-sized action steps that help people make...

C is for Change. D is for Disappoint.
DRAFT To help me continue to produce these guides, please sign-up for the mailing list, share this with others, and donate to buy me an hour or a day to build the next bit. “Dear World: You are my only test environment. As I change, I’m...

Change is a Muscle
DRAFT To help me continue to produce these guides, please sign-up for the mailing list, share this with others, and donate to buy me an hour or a day to build the next bit. is a collection of bite-sized action steps that help people make...

Conscious Curation clears the path toward big life change
Storm-gasm Swells, Consciousness Quells There is a path forward in all times of change Tuesday I recorded this video on Conscious Curation, a key concept within the process to drive big life change in small steps. This page was written Wednesday and...

Daily Arc
DRAFT To help me continue to produce these guides, please sign-up for the mailing list, share this with others, and donate to buy me an hour or a day to build the next bit. is a collection of bite-sized action steps that help people make...

Gap Assessment
DRAFT To help me continue to produce these guides, please sign-up for the mailing list, share this with others, and donate to buy me an hour or a day to build the next bit. is a collection of bite-sized action steps that help people make...

Heading Home – Will it still be there? Hurricane Homelessness and Championing Chaos
The way home in hurricane chaos is to aim for the higher arc and the macro end game Hi folks - Below I share a moment of thoughts on Friday ask I packed up my wee car and headed home to St. Petersburg to unwrap whatever surprise gift the second hurricane may have...

Infinite Self-kaizen
DRAFT To help me continue to produce these guides, please sign-up for the mailing list, share this with others, and donate to buy me an hour or a day to build the next bit. is a collection of bite-sized action steps that help people make...

Intuition Permission
DRAFT To help me continue to produce these guides, please sign-up for the mailing list, share this with others, and donate to buy me an hour or a day to build the next bit. is a collection of bite-sized action steps that help people make...

Naked Yoga and All the Things
You work just fine. When your brain gets fried by noon and you lose your focused mojo at work, you are fine. When you fail to get yourself out on your daily 6-mile run, you are fine. When you accomplish no true learning or memorization despite having warmed a seat in...