Your KindEdge Epitaph – Now and New


To help me continue to produce these guides, please sign-up for the mailing list, share this with others, and donate to buy me an hour or a day to build the next bit. is a collection of bite-sized action steps that help people make transformational changes in their lives, even when there seems to be no time in the day to get such grand endeavors in motion.

I built this suite of guides for myself. They enabled me to pile-drive my dreams through the chaos that was my life. After decades of consuming self-help and guru content I remained stuck and running in circles. I only saw true progress when I applied my consulting “change management” approach to my own life. I developed short, well-defined decision and action tools that enabled me see progress every day, even if life landed me in the emergency room lobby at midnight to tend to a child’s sports injury.

I now live a fundamentally different and better life that I designed for myself. I wake up every day energized to live out my purpose and enjoy a daily arc that fits me. I’m a mom of two incredible young men and one beloved black lab. I’ve lived in many cities within the US and abroad. Read more at:

Now here’s to you pushing to your edge… to arrive at a sustainable way of living out your purpose.

~ @MarySueIRL

draft draft draft draft draft draft draft draft draft draft draft draft draft draft draft draft

Is your greater purpose indefinitely on hold? You’ll know for sure by writing your current epitaph.

Maintaining reasonable ownership over your life is a good thing. But if your current path has no risk, no uncertainty, and is trailblazing no new paths, you may be wasting something brilliant inside you.

Write Your Epitaph Epitaph

One of the first direction-setting activities I created requires that you write your current epitaph and then rewrite it in a way that gives voice to your intuition.

If your current epitaph looks like everyone else’s, your quiet intuition may need you to give it a bigger voice. A bigger, messier, more unique story needs to be told when you die.


If your epitaph reads…

  • Did high school sports and joined clubs
  • Picked a degree off the degree menu
  • Built career around supporting the brand and profits of other companies, people or organizations
  • Avoided looking stupid by doing what I was told, thusly avoiding risk of blame when failures arose
  • Checked boxes of paradigms familiar to all: Marriage, kids, 401k, kitchen remodels, vacations
  • Watched inspiring TED talks and carefully added a few new goals each year while never putting too much time or money into one goal… just to be safe.
  • Placed some big ideas on a “future, maybe” list because they seemed so slow, deep and messy that I got tired of telling people what I was working on because it was a long-game thing; there were no cool social media photos or validations of success I could show.

Prioritized my schedule around accepting every barbeque invitation rather than going deep on something big and unique because it seemed too quirky. It just sounds silly to tell people, I can’t go just because “I’m working on an idea.”

If your draft epitaph contains any of these elements, you might be primed for some big change. Now dust off that feeling in your gut and follow the ideation daisy chains that make you giggle and zing.

Use the guide below to document an epitaph for your current life and then tap into your intuition to re-write that epitaph show you leaving a mark on the world that is unique to your DNA.

To help me continue to produce these guides, please sign-up for the mailing list, share this with others, and donate to buy me an hour or a day to build the next bit. MarySueIRL

Mary Sue IRL

Please stay in touch…

I’m committed to sharing this series of action and decision guides; they daisy chain into a bridge to real change. When all the guru inspo and self-help books failed, I created these to guide myself like I guide my change management clients and it finally worked.

Author Bio is a collection of bite-sized action steps that help people make transformational changes in their lives, even when there seems to be no time in the day to get such grand endeavors in motion.

I built this suite of guides for myself. They enabled me to pile-drive my dreams through the chaos that was my life. After decades of consuming self-help and guru content I remained stuck and running in circles. I only saw true progress when I applied my consulting “change management” approach to my own life. I developed short, well-defined decision and action tools that enabled me to see progress every day, even if life landed me in the emergency room lobby at midnight to tend to a child’s sports injury.

I now live a fundamentally different and better life that I designed for myself. I wake up every day energized to live out my purpose and enjoy a daily arc that fits me. I’m a mom of two incredible young men and one beloved black lab. I’ve lived in many cities within the US and abroad and I call St Pete home. Read more at:

Now here’s to you pushing to your edge… to make real change and arrive at the most fulfilling part of this journey.

Cheers, cin-cin and hugs.

~ @MarySueIRL