
Discussion Topics

Not everything along the path is cut-and-dried and many comparisons are apples-to-oranges. Read below to dig into some of the greyer areas.

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Videos on the Meaning of Several Totems

Videos on the Meaning of Several Totems

You can view KindEdge totems here: Your Totems You can read about the importance of embedding objects of meaning into your daily life to drive big change in you here: Why Do Humans Need Totems? And you can watch these videos that discuss the meaning behind some of the...

Welcome to The Pain Cave

Welcome to The Pain Cave

What does the story of a champion runner’s harrowing travails have to do with your life journey? Here’s the math: Between Courtney and her vision lies a Pain Cave she must traverse and befriend. Between you and your greater purpose lies a Pain Cave; if you get strong enough to traverse and befriend all that is in The Pain Cave, you can unleash your muted intuition. Your intuition is the key to getting your greater purpose in motion in real life.

Why Do Humans Need Totems?

Why Do Humans Need Totems?

In KindEdge.com I am working to document tools I built that enabled me to implement transformational change despite the many trains in my life that had left the stations and were well in motion. Decades of guru books had at once inspired and shamed me. Why could I not...

Your KindEdge Epitaph – Now and New

Your KindEdge Epitaph – Now and New

DRAFT To help me continue to produce these guides, please sign-up for the mailing list, share this with others, and donate to buy me an hour or a day to build the next bit.      KindEdge.com is a collection of bite-sized action steps that help people make...

Your Relationship with AI

AI’s outputs are high yield when we own the responsibility of being stewards of that data, like a conductor who holds herself responsible for interpreting any musical work. In research we know that correlation is not causation. This truth must be repeatedly pounded...