
Discussion Topics

Not everything along the path is cut-and-dried and many comparisons are apples-to-oranges. Read below to dig into some of the greyer areas.

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Daily Arc

Daily Arc

DRAFT To help me continue to produce these guides, please sign-up for the mailing list, share this with others, and donate to buy me an hour or a day to build the next bit.      KindEdge.com is a collection of bite-sized action steps that help people make...

Embedding Totems in Real Life

Embedding Totems in Real Life

In my travels I've been stricken by how common symbols and totems are in every society. Castles, churches, governments, cities, families, clans and more all invested in expensive and lasting tokens to display symbols of certain meaning prominently within daily...

Exciting Announcement Re: Global Calendar Change: Read Below!

Exciting Announcement Re: Global Calendar Change: Read Below!

I’m excited to announce that efforts toward continual improvement on the impacts of International Women’s Day have yielded a policy change that will have a measurable impact. Instead of the prior one day per year recognition of women on Earth, we are updating the annual March 8-only event to rather include all days from March 9 through and including March 7 annually. This is a 36,300% improvement!

Gap Assessment

Gap Assessment

DRAFT To help me continue to produce these guides, please sign-up for the mailing list, share this with others, and donate to buy me an hour or a day to build the next bit.      KindEdge.com is a collection of bite-sized action steps that help people make...

Infinite Self-kaizen

Infinite Self-kaizen

DRAFT To help me continue to produce these guides, please sign-up for the mailing list, share this with others, and donate to buy me an hour or a day to build the next bit.      KindEdge.com is a collection of bite-sized action steps that help people make...

Intuition Permission

Intuition Permission

DRAFT To help me continue to produce these guides, please sign-up for the mailing list, share this with others, and donate to buy me an hour or a day to build the next bit.      KindEdge.com is a collection of bite-sized action steps that help people make...